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Sending Queries in Your Webapp

This tutorial gives an explanation of what's happening as we run . It assumes that you've already run npx create-axiom-client and selected the Next.js option to build a Next.js webapp scaffold.


You will need to duplicate .env.local.example and rename as .env.local, and then add your environment variables to .env.local.

Circuit Compilation and Usage

Every time you edit the circuit, you must compile the circuit using the Axiom CLI to generate build artifacts for your webapp. We recommend adding this compilation step as an npm script.

package.json (in root directory of project)
"scripts": {
"circuit:compile": "axiom circuit compile app/axiom/circuitName.circuit.ts"

Run the compilation command via:

npm run circuit:compile

This example script assumes the exported circuit function inside the circuitName.circuit.ts file is also named circuit and a default input is provided in app/axiom/data/inputs.json. See the Axiom CLI reference for more options.

Running the Next.js web server

To start the webapp, run the Next.js web server from the app/ folder

cd app
npm run dev

Editing Your Webapp's Settings

All Axiom-related settings are stored in app/src/lib/webappSettings.ts. You can edit this file to change things like your circuit, default inputs, callback info, etc.

import compiledCircuit from "../../axiom/data/compiled.json";
import inputs from "../../axiom/data/inputs.json";
import AverageBalanceAbi from "./abi/AverageBalance.json";

export const WebappSettings = {
provider: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_PROVIDER_URI_SEPOLIA as string,
chainId: "11155111",
callbackTarget: "0x50F2D5c9a4A35cb922a631019287881f56A00ED5",
callbackAbi: AverageBalanceAbi,

You can then follow the on-screen directions to build and send a query. The following sections describe different parts of the Next.js webapp, so you can modify them as necessary.

The AxiomProvider wrapper for AxiomCircuitProvider

The app/src/app/axiomProvider.tsx file contains an AxiomProvider wrapper for the AxiomCircuitProvider that's exported from @axiom-crypto/react. This AxiomProvider component is used to prevent hydration errors when AxiomCircuitProvider is mounting.

"use client";

import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { AxiomCircuitProvider } from "@axiom-crypto/react";
import { WebappSettings } from "@/lib/webappSettings";

export default function AxiomProvider({
}: {
children: React.ReactNode;
}) {
const [mounted, setMounted] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => setMounted(true), []);

return (
{mounted && children}

<AxiomProvider> is then inserted into layout.tsx, around {children}.

export default function RootLayout({
}: {
children: React.ReactNode
}) {
return (
<html lang="en">

Using the Axiom Circuit Hook

You can pass data into the useAxiomCircuit hook and then call build() on it to build the Axiom query.

"use client"

import { useAxiomCircuit } from "@axiom-crypto/react";
import { useEffect } from "react";
import { WebappSettings } from "@/lib/webappSettings";

export default function BuildQuery({
}: {
inputs: UserInput<typeof WebappSettings.inputs>;
callbackAddress: string;
callbackExtraData: string;
refundee: string;
}) {
const {
} = useAxiomCircuit<typeof WebappSettings.inputs>();

// Set the parameters for the component
useEffect(() => {
setParams(inputs, callbackAddress, callbackExtraData, refundee);
}, [setParams, inputs, callbackAddress, callbackExtraData, refundee]);

useEffect(() => {
const buildQuery = async () => {
// Only build the query if params are set
if (!areParamsSet) {
// Build the query, which saves the output to the `builtQuery` variable
await build();
}, [build, areParamsSet]);

if (builtQuery) {
// can now use `builtQuery` to send an on-chain Query to Axiom

Once those query parameters are built, they are saved into the builtQuery variable. Now you can render another Component that will handle sending the query transaction. builtQuery can be passed directly into Wagmi's useSimulateContract hook to then pass into writeContract from the useWriteContract hook.

"use client";
import { Constants } from "@/shared/constants";
import { useWriteContract, useSimulateContract } from "wagmi";
import { useAxiomCircuit } from '@axiom-crypto/react';

export default function SendQueryComponent() {
const { builtQuery } = useAxiomCircuit();

// Pass the full builtQuery object into wagmi's `useSimulateContract`
const { data } = useSimulateContract({
address: builtQuery!.address as `0x${string}`,
const { writeContract } = useWriteContract();

return (
onClick={() => writeContract(data!.request)}
{"Send Axiom Query"}

Once the query is submitted on-chain, you can handle the additional logic as you see fit.

Using Different Chains

We currently support Ethereum Mainnet and Sepolia. You can simply modify the WebappSettings object to the appropriate values for the chain you'd like to use. Ensure that the callbackTarget is a valid contract that will accept an Axiom callback. For example, if you want to use Sepolia:

export const WebappSettings = {
provider: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_PROVIDER_URI_SEPOLIA as string,
chainId: "11155111",
callbackTarget: "0x50F2D5c9a4A35cb922a631019287881f56A00ED5",
callbackAbi: AverageBalanceAbi,

Additional Reference

For full references on AxiomCircuitProvider and useAxiomCircuit, see the SDK Reference.